lundi 13 juin 2011
TNA Slammiversary IX Review/Results
The PPV starts with a hype promo for Sting vs Anderson, Kurt vs Jarret, Bully Ray vs AJ and of all the matches you could choose from Angelina Love vs Mickie James is there too. I thought this was a good hype video so well done TNA.
Match 1:James Storm and Alex Shelley vs British Invasion.The British Invasion enters first with some new jackets and ring gear(push maybe). Then Shelley and Storm come out with Robert Roode who goes to join Taz and Tenay on commentary. The match starts off a bit slow but then Storm and Shelley did some nice tag team moves. I thought Douglas Willams wasn't on top form tonight but he was still good. Near the end of the match I was really into it. Gun Money hit a nice Double Suplex then some nice near falls. There was a really good near fall when Alex Shelley got Beer in his eyes and Superkicked Storm. But in the end Last Call Superkick Sliced Bread combo for the 3 count.
Your Winners and still champs Storm and Shelley
Match Rating: ***1/2 out of *****
We see Angle and Jarrett getting out of their cars. WHY DO WE NEED TO SEE THIS!!!! Yes people getting out of cars Matters!!!
We go to the back with Jeremey Borash and Scott Steiner. Steiner says that he will beat Morgan and steal his girlfriend and show her what a Real Man is. Is this Steiner's Gimmick? He did that for Lashley and for Test!
Match 2: Scott Steiner vs Matt Morgan
Now before I get into the match I think that Matt Morgan if used right would be a great star for TNA. Putting him in a nothing fued with Steiner is not using him right. I think Steiner is on the way out, so if I was booking this I would have squashed Steiner and put Morgan over as the new Big Man. Anyway on to the match, Matt Morgan sends Steiner to the outside, beats him up a bit, then sends him back in. Steiner plays dirty and Low Blows Matt. Steiner hits about 5 Running Stomps then the trademark Elbow/Pushups. Steiner dominates Morgan then puts on the Steiner Recliner. Morgan counters into the Electric Chair but Steiner counters that into a Victory Roll. The commentators put that over Big Time. Then Steiner trys to Belly to Belly Morgan. Morgan counters. Carbon Footprint for the 3 count.
Your Winner Matt Morgan
Match Rating: ** Boring
We go to the Interview area with JB and Jarrett. Jarrett says he has taken Angle's wife and kids and that tonight Earl Hebner will raise his hand in victory. (Why did he have to mention Earl Hebner ?) Then Jarrett says his Victory is for Karen.
Third Match: X Division title: Abyss vs Brain Kendrick vs Kazarian
The match starts and Kendrick is very over with the fans but unfortunely (no pun intended) he sells Abyss' punch like it's the Finisher of the year. So Kaz and Abyss brawl and then its Kaz's turn to over sell an
Elbow. Kendrick trys to hurt Abyss but no ! Abyss just picks up Kendrick and TRYS to throw him on Kaz who is on the outside. Kendrick and Kaz double-team Abyss in the corner and finally Abyss sells. Abyss walks outside the ring. Kaz goes Sliding Dropkick but Abyss grabs him. Kendrick goes Slingshot Cross Body but again Abyss is the new Superman because he counters. Kaz trys to help Kendrick but Dropkicks him and Abyss. Nice try Kaz! Kendick and Kaz double team Abyss in the corner with some running moves but of course Kendrick (the unlucky one) gets Black Hole Slammed.
Kaz trys to destroy TNA's Superman but gets Big Booted. Kaz gets dominated but for some reason Abyss starts bleeding from the mouth. Euh Abyss, if you don't sell you don't bleed. Abyss pulls Kaz's hair and Tenay sells it as the Vice Grip. Abyss goes 2nd rope and Earl Hebner counts him. What the fudge!! Abyss misses the Big Splash just like everytime. Kendrick is back in the match! Some nice kicks then a Missile Dropkick for the 2 count. Next a Tornado DDT from the 2nd rope for the 2 count. I feel for Kendrick 'cos he is the one doing some nice moves but he is the one that gets destroyed. I'm saying this 'cos he gets Chokeslammed. Kazarian goes 3rd rope Hurracainrana.
Double Dropkick from the high flyers. Kaz gets gouzzled but counters into a Victory Roll for 2. Then Abyss suddnely rolls to the outside and we have about 2 mins of nice entertaining wrestling. Suddnely Kendrick does a Jumping Kick to the face on Kaz but Abyss suddnely throws Kendrick out and steals the Win. Sadly that wasn't an X division match and Abyss, still champion is just sad.
Your Winner and still champion Abyss
After the match Abyss continues the gimmick of the Art of War: BORING!
Match Rating: **1/2
We Watch a Video Package of the Samoa Joe vs Crimson match. I like Crimson but I think comparing him to Goldberg or Samoa Joe is not a good idea he needs to be really dominant to be compared to them.
Fourth Match: Samoa Joe vs Crimson
Joe enters first then Crimson comes running in to brawl with Joe. Nice quick brawling then Joe throws Crimson out and trys the Suicide Dive. Crimson stops him with a painful looking elbow. Crimson does the reverse Headlock/Knee/Neckbreaker combo. Joe does the Dragon Leg Screw very badly. Don't know if it was his fault. Crimson, I think is the face in this match but you can hear Joe's name and Crimson's name being shouted (TNA should know that even if Joe is a heel, the fans will cheer him). It looks equal until Joe does a weird but nice looking Knee Slam from the Spinebuster position. Joe does some submissions but Crimson comes back with a T-Bone Suplex. Jumping Double Arm DDT by Crimson for the 2 count. Crimson doesn't know how to fake a punch, it looks really bad. Joe makes Crimson look bad by dominating him but still Crimson looks resistant for kicking out. Spear by Crimson and both guys do a great job of selling the Spear by only getting up at 8. Joe trys Muscle Buster in the corner but Crimson does a leapfrog from the 3rd rope, Joe turns around and gets hit by the Sit Down Spinebuster called the Sky High but Tenay doesn't remember the name he gave it. For the 3 count.
Your Winner and still undeafted: Crimson
Match Rating: ***1/4
After the match, a handshake. I thought that was a nice touch.
We go to the back to JB who is with Angelina Love and Winter. Winter talks about Destiny and dreams. But we find out Angelina is not under control, but she is still with Winter.
Fifth Match: Knockout's Championship: Mickie James vs Angelina Love/with Winter
Angelina shows the power dominance by throwing Mickie half way across the ring. Suplex by Love for the 2 count. The Fans are really behind Mickie. Angeilina dominates but Mickie comes back with a clothesline. Mickie sends Angelina into the steel steeps. Mickie does the comeback with some clotheslines then a flapjack, then finally a Lous Presz from the 2nd rope. Winter stops the pin and Mickie looks at Winter. She turns around and gets a really bad looking Bicycle Kick. Love trys for that reverse DDT Backbreaker but Mickie counters into a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Roll Up with extra leverage from Winter for a 2 count. Then a Really Bad and I mean BAD looking Jumping DDT for the 3 count.
Your Winner and still Champion: Mickie James
Match Rating: *1/2
After match beat down. Problem is, I don't care!
We go to the back to JB with Bully Ray. Ray tells JB to say the match type 3 times over. (Oh poor Bully Ray the fatness is getting to his brain). He then says that JB isn't a man and neither is AJ Styles. He says he is a Man and AJ is a Boy. He says he is 6ft 3 ins and he is 285 pounds (come on more than that) and that he is in the best shape of his life (WOW he must of been a fat kid). He then says he is the baddest Mother**.
This is followed by a Video Package for the match.
Sixth Match: Bully Ray vs AJ Syles Last Man Standing
Ray shows off by chashing SoCalVal. AJ comes out to a great ovation that he deserves. AJ stats bad mouthing Ray. Ray runs at AJ and gets beaten up. Bully Ray comes back with a Big Clothesline. Ray beats AJ up in the corner. Aj comes back with some kicks. Big Flying elbow in the corner. Real slow start. Bully Back Bodys Aj. Then a Big Splash in the corner by Bully on AJ (OW that would hurt). They go to the outside. Bully uses the Steel railings. A painful looking snake eyes on the steeps by Bully. Bully shows off by catching his spit (real impressive that can get you the girls). AJ tells Bully to slap him so Bully Does. We see the marks they arn't pretty. AJ trys for a Super Hurracanrana but Bully counters into a Sit down Powerbomb. Ray trys to whip AJ with the chain. Ray does a deep blade job. Springbord 450 for the 8 count. AJ slams him from the ring to the outside and Ray lands on the steps. Bully teases the Powerbomb off the Entrance ramp just like 2 monthes ago but AJ counters into an Enzuguri then a Pele. AJ then puts Bully of the Entance ramp but its a small fall not like the one on IMPACT 2 months ago. AJ then does an Amazing Jumping Elbow of the Entrance Ramp. That got a Holy ** chant. Aj gets a Table and puts Ray on it. Styles goes to the Entance Ramp teases a jump but then looks at the Scaffolding. He jumps on to the Scaffolding. He teases just jumping but goes about 5 steps higher. AJ does an Amazing Elbow Drop. I thought that was the end but as Aj was getting up Bully Ray kicked him into a wall. you know one of the really fake TNA walls. Of course AJ went though but it looked good. Bully Ray gets up AJ dosn't. Bad ending Ray didn't sell enough AJ should of won the fans chant Bull****
Your Winner: Bully Ray
I would of given it a ****1/2 but because of the ending
Match Rating: ****
We go to the back with Jb and Mr Anderson. Anderson asks if JB liked him dressing up as Sting. JB replys by saying it was creative. Anderson asks did he laugh JB says yes. He tells JB to laugh then he shouts ITS NOT FUNNY. He says Playtime is over and he tells JB to shut up and watch what he is going to do because Actions speak Louder than words. I used to like Anderson but now he is annoying in a bad way.
Seventh Match: TNA Heavyweight Championship Match: Sting vs Mr Anderson
Anderson comes out and cuts a second promo just after the first one. Give us a break all he does is talk. I want to see wrestling because Wrestling Matters!! All he says is he is going to beat Sting and that He hails from Green Bay and his name is BAM. Sting comes up behind him in the red attire. His face paint is really cool so this could mean a Heel Turn. They brawl on the entrance ramp. They get into the ring and Sting is in control. The fans chant Asshole but is that because they like him or they don't?? They go to the outside and to those IMAPCT WRESTLING WALLS. All this match is so far is punches and Irish whips. They go into the crowd um Mr Referee why isnt there a Ring out count?? Anderson trys to run away but gets slammed into the wall by Sting. By to the ring Anderson pushes Stng into the Railing from the Apron. Anderson wraps Sting's arm around the ring post. Anderson aims for the arm with an armbar. Anderson beats up Sting in the corner. Anderson Jumps off the 3rd rope to the outside holding Sting's arm. After 5 mins off Anderson just punching Sting. Sting hits Anderson with some clotheslines.Stinger Splash in the corner followed by a kick to the leg. Goes for the Scorpion Death Lock but ERIC BISHOFF comes out. What the hell!! Eric distracts Sting. Sting goes for a 2nd Stinger Splash but Anderson moves out the way. And hits the rolling Fireman's Carry slam for a near count. Sting hits The DDT for 2. Sting trys Splash from the 2nd rope but lands on Anderson's Knees. Mic Check no,Sting does an Irish Whip no, Mic Check yes. 1,2 NO! that was the highlight of the match for me the near fall. Anderson goes 3rd rope Sting kicks him on the 3rd rope. Stinger Splash again. Scorpion Death Drop connects. 1,2 Bishoff hits the mat with his hand and the ref stops the count!! What the Helll!!! Bishoff distracts Sting, Sting picks up Anderson . Anderson in front of the ref does a Low Blow followed by a Mic Check. What the Hell!! No DQ wasn't advertised!! 1,2,3!!!
Your Winner and New Champion: Mr Anderson
Match Rating *1/4
AWFUl Match!
Main Event for The No1 Contendership and a Olympic Gold Medal: Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt AngleAnd because WRESTLING MATTERS we have to watch Karen do one of the worst acting jobs I have ever seen Jeezz!! We see a Video Package for this match a good video package actually. Jeff Jarrett enters first. The commentators go on about the Huge stakes,we get it!
When the match starts Jeff does the heel thing of not being ready.
Lots of headlocks and holds which is normal in a Angle match. Jarrett goes Hip toss No Angle counters into the Hip toss. Nice Snap Suplex by Angle. Blows to the back by Angle. Jeff Sends Angle out the ring and Angle bangs his shoulder on the Railing,looked painful. Jarrett slams Angle's head on the Railing how many times we seen this on this PPV. Jarrett stops Angle getting in the ring. Lots of punches.
Jarrett trash talking which I like. Both men try for a Cross Body. Jarrett with the Sleeper. German Suplex by Angle. Both men trade puches. Belly to belly for a 2 count. Missile Dropkick by Kurt for 2. DDT by Jeff. Stroke no, Angle Slam yes! 1,2 No! Kurt does a beutiful Moonsault but Jarrett rolls out the way. Stroke yes! 1,2,No! Wow Jarrett trys for The Tombstone No Angle rolls though into a Tombstone No Jarrett rolls though again into the Tombstone but Angle rolls into the Ankle lock. The fans Pop for the Ankle lock. Jarrett pushes Kurt to get out of the Ankle Lock and Angle by mistake knocks the ref down. Dave Hebner over sells. Low Blow by Jarrett. Using this to his advantage Jarrett gets his guitar ( do you think that these guitars come from his collection because he has got a lot!!). Angle turns around and gets hit by the guitar. Jarrett playing the clever heel gets rid of the pieces of the guitar so he doesn't get DQ. Here comes Earl Hebner (how did Jarrett know Earl would come out!)1,2 NO! Angle Kicks out. Jeff is really angry (great acting by Jarrett) he pushes Earl 3 times and to get some heat Earl pushes Jeff who falls into a School Boy. 1,2 No! German Suplex times 3 for Jeff! 1,2 No! Really good near falls. Angle puts Jarrett on the 3rd rope. Angle trys Superplex but Jeff pushes Angle.Jeff waits but Angle runs up and a Huge Belly to Belly from the 3rd rope. Angle goes for the pin 1,2 NO! Angle pulls down the starps Angle Slam no Arm Drag by Jarrett. Angle trys Shoulder Block in the corner but goes head first into the steel ring post. Jeff trys to kick Angle catches the kick but enzuguri by Jarrett. Jeff puts Angle on the 3rd rope. Stroke from the 3rd rope! 1,2 No! These guys know how to do near falls. Fans chant Angle. Angle slam by Jarrett No,Sunset Flip by Angle, Ankle Lock by Jarrett. The Fans Are really behind Angle. Rope Break no Jarrett brings Angle back and drops down to his back and locks it in. USA chants Angle is so good at selling it looks like he's going to cry because he is in so much pain. Angle finally kicks Jarrett in the face to stop the submission. But just as Angle is crawling away Jeff locks in the Ankle Lock. Roll though by Angle into the Angle Lock. locks it in JARRETT TAPS!!!!
Your Winner and the new No1 Contender:Kurt Angle
Match Rating ****1/2
Overall Review
The Opener was good tag wrestling and it got the crowd into the PPV.
The 2nd Match was really Boring but at least the right man Won.
The 3rd Match was ok but Abyss as X division champion is really shameful.
The 4th Match was a good match and the ending was good with the handshake.
The 5th Match was Bad but its the Knockouts so yeah.
The 6th was really good story and wrestling wise but the ending was awful.
The 7th Match was Awful i really don't want to see it ever again
The 8th Match was solid wrestling and good Storyline
Match of The Night: Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle
Worst Match of the Night: Sting vs Anderson
Man of the Night: AJ styles
Overall Score: 7.5/10
By the Way If you want to request a certain PPV or Wrestling DVD that i should review I'm up for that. Comment your views on the PPV
Thanks for Reading
Written by Douglas101
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